Saturday, September 24, 2011

Don't Fight

I am 25 and I only just realise that some things aren’t worth fighting for. Friends that keep rubbing yours exs in your face must be Xed. Random people that enter your life and quietly lay in the background are not actually your friends; DELETE. Friends that expect you to be their friend with benefits; OUT! And those losers that enter your life and send you mixed signals-because they have secret girlfriends; Run! As fast as you little legs can carry you.  Don’t ever look back.

Your life has to be about you!  And its okay to be selfish once in a while. Take some time to think which people are worth keeping. Go through your blackberry lists, iphones and other personal communication devices and get rid of the extra baggage. Its scary but it is totally worth it because it makes moving forward with life easier than it would otherwise be.

Today I did just that; I went through my blackberry and deleted all the people I kept around out of fear of being alone! I deleted the people that aren’t really my friends (the ones that should be on facebook not my personal phone).  The decision to delete some was so easy. It’s those who I gave importance to that were difficult to get rid of.

It was totally worth it!

After doing all of this my life finally has a higher standard! So I took a few minutes to breath and take it in. I will only allow a certain calibre of people in. Those who care, ask, listen, are there, and more importantly friends you can depend on, to stand by you when all things fall apart.

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