Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Miles to go before I sleep..

For 7 years of my life I was in relationships, no breaks in between. Serious, hot and heavy, long term relationships. I woke up one day alone. I had no idea how to be single. It was the most difficult time of my life. All my happiness was dependent on others. It took me 3 years to learn that life goes on and happiness is a state of mind. You will it, you choose it and so it is. You have to make yourself happy. Don’t expect people to do that for you; do it for yourself. 

Last year this time I sat down alone and wrote a bucket list of all the things I wanted to achieve in my life before I died. At the top of my list is this quote “but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep” by RF. Inspiring words!! I found that list in my wallet a few days ago and crossed off 10 of the things on it so far.

I stopped letting my life just pass me by. I am living everyday doing things I want and love to do. I am not allowing myself to dwell on past mistakes and relationships. I am not even limiting myself by telling myself I don’t have time, or I can’t or by allowing my laziness to get the best of me. One must make oneself happy. 

If your life has turned into a big routine then take up activities that would add to the quality to your life, such as, rock climbing or even baking. Start working on a project that is challenging, that will give you some sort of fulfillment and satisfaction. Keep yourself and your mind busy with things that make you happy, then you will let go of all the nonsense that has held you back. Don't forget to be thankful for your health and your life, and for the fact that you can help yourself get out of any dump. 

I promise that when you are most comfortable within your life everything else will just fall into place.   

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